Step Out : How we work

We offer:
  • Outreach and one-to-one support, long-term if needed
  • Preventative group work in schools and community settings
  • Advocacy and participation work to ensure the voices of the children and young people are heard
  • Signposting and support to access other agencies
  • Preventative work including information on healthy relationships, Child Exploitation (CE) awareness, keeping safe and building self esteem
  • Participation in the coordination and facilitation of information sharing, networking, multi-agency working on CE across the county
  • Support, resources and training for professionals
  • Research and development of models of good practice

Our Approach

We aim to raise children and young people’s awareness of Child Exploitation (CE); giving them the support they need to make informed, safe choices and to have appropriate, healthy and safe relationships. We also work alongside parents and carers to support and upskill them to appropriately and effectively safeguard their children.

We take a holistic approach which combines different types of support depending on the young person’s particular needs:

  • The young person, parent or carer decides on the level and type of support that’s right for them
  • We recognise that parents and carers are key to safeguarding their children
  • We take the time to build relationships
  • We give support for as long as it’s needed
  • We use innovative tools and activities to help young people explore their relationships, for example by sharing thoughts and feelings through postcards, texting and social media

Our Specialist CE Project Workers support children and young people by:

  • Raising awareness of what child exploitation means, the grooming process and the common signs to watch out for
  • Exploring how to stay safe and have healthy relationships – including online
  • Providing early intervention and preventative work with those at risk
  • Supporting those reporting abuse, including throughout related legal processes
  • Listening, being there, and helping young people know they’re not alone
  • Supporting them to speak out and have their voice heard and to engage with campaigning and service development
  • Putting them in touch with other agencies, when appropriate
  • Offering specialist support from a dedicated child exploitation worker
  • Liaising with police, social care, health and education to ensure good information sharing and multi-agency working

There is always laughter, happiness and mischief, there are things you would not expect, there are opportunities, there is grown up conversation, there are people to hold your little ones whilst you play with your older ones, there is mess and buttering, learning and exploring, riding and reading.

A parent

What's on this week - 10th Feb 2025

  • Monday 17th Feb - NO SESSIONS

    Closed during half term

  • Tuesday 18th Feb - NO SESSIONS

    Closed during half term

  • ~Wednesday 19th Feb - NO SESSIONS

    Closed during half term

  • w/c 24th Feb

    We will re-open for sessions as normal

  • Please follow our social media for the latest on opening times


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Full Calendar

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